So, you think you know your golfing?

Since the game of golf was first dreamt up by the lonely, bored farmers of Scotland (or so we imagine), the game has built up an impressive repertoire of facts and statistics. With the vision of golf changing globally, the faces of the sport have to transcend the stigma that was previously attached in the days of our grandfathers. With masters of style emerging in the sport, such as Ryo Ishikawa, a new kind of golf culture has begun to emerge. The kind of golf culture that sees forecasting in publications like GQ and leading from the rise of upcoming stylish golfers such as Kyle Stanley and Luke Donald.

Surrounding endless variables, the dynamics of the golf allows for endless quiz questions. We’ve rounded up a quiz of our very own. So, you think you know your golfing? Prove it.

How did you fare on our golfing quiz? No obscurity is too obscure when it comes to golf trivia, so let us know your strangest facts by tweeting us @thegolfscape.